Tag Archives: 12 bar blues

A fun way to play the blues.

Life is much easier now. I remember way back when I wanted to learn a new song on bass guitar I would have to beg my older brother to drive me to the record store, buy the cassette I wanted, put it in the cassette player, fumble around to figure out what key the song is in, push the stop button, push the rewind button, play a few bars and repeat the process until finally I could play the song all the way through. Now I pull a song up on YouTube, open a new tab and search chords or bass guitar tabs and PRESTO! I’ve just learned a new song.

Jamming the blues would require me to call (on a land line of course) a few musician friends, hope they’re home, set up a time to get together…………… You get the picture.

Now I can play along with songs like this in no time:

“Bass Backing Track – 12 Bar Blues in A – Road Blues”